Classes at Kelham Island
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Grey To Green Public Commission
A Selection of Works
Below is a selection of works produced for exhibition, sale, completed to order or made for commission.
Avarice ( Plaster cast from 21st Century Girl). Made to order
21st Century Girl in for re-spray following casting
Contemporary Classic In Gage Gallery for Open Up Sheffield 2015
Plaster casts of Male Torso made to order
Male and Female Torso at a Sculpture exhibition at The Royal Opera House Arcade Gallery, Pall Mall, London
Work in progress. Cornish Gabbro
Creta. Chalk. In the Gage Gallery for upcoming exhibition
Bonescape. Chalk (sold)
Creta II. Chalk
Carving in progress for reproduction plaster casting of Victorian ceiling rose.
Angels wing restoration
Hand carved house number for commission
Recent commission as a Christmas present for a partner. Slate
Continuous Curve. Shale Nodule (sold)
Moonrise III Shale Nodule (sold)
Moonrise I. Norwegian Greenstone (sold)